Sorry for the delay with the pictures of Russia. It's been a busy (almost) two weeks since my plane landed. I have been trying to get all of the documents needed for court prepared. Not an easy task, but its coming together. I have everything in progress and almost completed except my California State Police Clearance letter. Since I now live in Michigan, this is proving to be very difficult. For any of you that read this blog and live in CA, please feel free to chime in and tell me who to contact to get this done. I should have everything else completed and waiting for apostilles by the beginning of next week.
Aside from recovering from Jet Lag, which seemed to last for a week, and running around with paperwork, I returned to work and had a wonderful baby shower thrown by my church. The folks at Grace United Methodist Church are so loving and giving. I was overwhelmed by their love and generosity this past Sunday.
And now to the pics of Krasnoyarsk:
Okay, blogger is taking forever to upload today, so sorry. It could be the computer operator too. I need to figure out how to do a slide show to show you more pics.
Need to get going for now.
Thanks again everyone for all your kind words, thoughts and prayers. Please continue to keep me and the Little Princess in your prayers as we work toward getting back to court and bringing her home. Also pray that I can figure out how to get my CA police clearance.
Bye for now,