Aside from working long hours this week...on my days off I did start packing. One suitcase for Russia and the other for Florida. Here's a few pictures of the items I've set aside to take for "T"in the Russia suitcase. Three outfits of different sizes from 12mo - 18mo, to see which size she'll fit into, A small quilt that her grandma made for her to keep until she can come home with us, and a few toys to play with during our visits.

I haven't heard any news from CHI this week, so I am headed for warmer weather in the south. I'm leaving Chesterfield on Wednesday and flying into Orlando. Mom is already in Florida soaking up the sun (when its not raining), so she'll come and pick me up. We'll spend a few days in Melbourne Beach where she has been staying at some friend's "park model", since January 4th. She has been fortunate to have wonderful friends that have shared a park lot with her (and Dad when he was alive)for the last few years. This time I get to see where they've been hanging out all winter. Then on Feb 1st, we'll pack up Mom's stuff and we'll head back to Orlando and stay at Mom's time share beginning Feb. 1st. While at the time share we get to go and visit all four of the Disney Parks. Yippee!!! I just picked up our Magic Our Way tickets from the Disney Store today, so we are all set. I'll head back to Michigan on the 6th of Feb. and hopefully by then I'll have some more news to share on the adoption front.
In other news....Pastor Jill had her surgery last week and everything went well. Now we just have to make sure she doesn't over do it :0) and follows the docs orders to rest. Are you reading this Jill??? Be good while I'm away.
I had a chance to visit with my brother Russ's family yesterday, and share a delicious spaghetti dinner. My niece, Samantha has been at home with her parents (my brother and his wife Terri) since she had her little girl Illiana, as her husband was deployed for military duty only 3 weeks after the baby was born. Today, Samantha and the baby had to fly back to their home in Washington (the state). We're hoping that her Daddy will be able to come home soon to see how much she has already grown, and before he misses too much. Yesterday was my last chance to get in hugs and kisses with the baby, until they fly home again in the summer. She is so darn cute. I'll talk to Samantha about posting a pic sometime. My other little great niece who will be turning 3 this year was over as well. She just loves her little cousin so much. I got some great pictures of them together. These are the two little ones that will be close in age to my Little Russian Princess. I just know that they are going to have so much fun together.
My sister Robin and her family came over this morning and joined me for breakfast and coffee. Brandon, her son, and my nephew, just found out he has been accepted to Northwood College in Midland. Yeah Brandon!!!! I can't believe he is turning 18 next month and now will be going off to college next year. Wow, time has flown....It seems like just yesterday, or the day before :0) that I was at the hospital holding him a few minutes after he was born. While I'm in Florida,Brandon is going to stay and watch the house as well as Jake the dog and Grandma's cat, shadow (who is also staying at my house).
I think I have everything ready for my trip now, just have to finishing packing the clothes. I probably wont post again until I get back from Florida. I have to work the next three days, and then I'm off. Hopefully more families will have news of travel and court dates over the next week. My agency's Russian coordinator has been in Russia this past week setting up more regions and hopefully working out any kinks in the old regions to make things run smoother and quicker for everyone.
Hang in there my little "T", Mom's bags are almost packed. We just have to wait for the government to find you and pair us up together. I pray every night that God is watching over you and that you will get to come home soon. Know that you are Loved so very much already.
1 comment:
Hi Shannon...we are also with CHI and waiting for a baby girl from Krasnoyarsk. We are on the CHI blogroll (Nodine family) if you want to check it out. Our dossier originally went to Tver in July, but we switched to Kras in November. Hopefully we will get our baby girls soon!!!!
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